Thursday, June 5, 2008

Proud of our Graduates!

I've had four years now of "graduating seniors" (I focused on junior high at my previous "post"...), and each group has had teens I love and am proud of deeply. This year an additional element was in the fray: It was my first group that I've been privileged to go all through high school with.

I always watched and wondered what it would be like to graduate a group like this, one I've walked with for so long. I would see my old boss, Josef, truly be proud of "his" kids back in houston, and while I would also be proud, it wasn't nearly what he felt. I suppose this is just one of those things you never truly "get" until it is your turn...

Well, this year, 2008, it's my turn. I've seen these kids grow so much, and I'm honored to have played a part at all.

Well done!

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