Thursday, March 8, 2007

Yes! I have needed this scripture!

"15But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect..."---1 Peter 3:15, NIV

Have I really missed this scripture the whole time?

Yep...and I have read (not bragging, just saying) the whole New Testament and most of the Old...if not least once when all is said-and-done. So, this is proof that you can still "miss things" in your scripture reading, and that you shoudl never stop studying because you never know when something new will speak to you...

This was quoted by Sean McDowell at the Planet Wisdom conference last weekend. I was floored. I circled it repeatedly.

You see, I have always struggled to explain the "balance" needed to folks in the arena of "boldness in one's faith sharing vs. grace, care, respect, love". It is a fine line, and even with this scripture brought to light, there is still an air of, " what does this look like?" Where I struggle is in trying to encourage those who are "uber-bold" in their faith ("I am right, and you are not...and while I 'love' you, I will do all I can, using any means necessary, to prove that my faith (and often even to other Christians) is 'right' or 'better'...") to also seek a bit of respect and tact, considering that just maybe it is good to "back off" at times, to listen and consider others' opinions, and just lay low... But what is hard is that these uber-bolds are quick to fire back at me with all these scriptures about how we are to be bold, unashamed, how the Bible is a "sword" (and thus used to "fight"), etc., and it has been hard to argue with them. I basically just leave feeling stupid, because I know as well as they do that the "God is love" argument is also too easily taken to the opposite extreme ("Just love them...and let God do the rest"...and thus, nothing is said at all...), and thus I have been at a loss for words in encouraging these types to be just a bit gentler...

Well, 1 Peter 3:15 is music to my ears. I have always thought there should be a better balance between the uber-bolds and the "uber-loves", but rarely is that balance found. It is almost "either-or". So, while this is simply one scripture with no real formula as to how it shoudl work, just seeing this encouragement in scripture is awesome. How can we find the balance? Not totally sure, but maybe we all need to ask ourselves (and ultimately ask God) things like: What are my motives in trying to prove that I am "right"? Am I more interested in winning above ALL else? Can I even "lose" for now (and just make this more of a longer-term conversation), or do I have to "fix this person NOW"? Do I cop-out and say "nothing", because I don't know why I have faith, hope, etc. (and most who "don't know", truth be told, seem to be too lazy to find out why...)? Do I say nothing at all simply because I am afraid of being shunned?

This scripture strikes a great balance of both: We need to KNOW why we have this fiath and hope in Jesus, and be able (and willing) to share that. Folks need to hear our story of faith, warts and all. But conversely, we must seek a better balance, where the story of faith is proclaimed, but with grace, patience, respect, and love for those that may not want to hear it all the time. We must better listen to the Spirit's leadings... If we truly trust the Spirit and his whisperings (and shouts), I think we would all be either bolder in our faith (if you are an uber-love) and a bit more quiet and respectful in our faith (if you are an uber-bold).

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