Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Funky Weather

So, while it may not be snowy/freezing precip. like the weatherman predicted, I must admit that the weather today has still been interesting. It was COLD and wet (but not rainy) yesterday, but then the cold front became "warm" overnight and backed up. So it was in the 50s this morning. Weather man said highs near 70 as a result, but rainy at times. Well, it did get to the lower 60s, but I went outside about 30 min. ago and thought, "Dang, it got cold again!" So I checked my Weather Bug and sure enough, the front got bored and changed its' mind again...so it has moved back through as a cold front and it is in the 40s and dropping.


40s where we are, 60s and 70s in D/FW (30-60 min east).

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