Monday, August 18, 2008

Things I Learned from Building Jax's New "Fort"

For Jax's 4th birthday present, we bought him a "fort"/swingset-thingy that needed to be built. It is finished, looks good, and I will admit I'm proud of it. And thus, here are some musings about what I've learned (or been reminded of) in the process):

I may not be "Bob Vila" (aka, one who is a natural fix-it guy), but I do really well using directions. I know some folks that either a) get really confused following an instruction book in building things or b) feel like they are "less of a man" by using them, so they just ignore them. I, on the other hand, can build/fix just about anything provided very detailed instructions are provided. I think this fort was the same way. It came together generally well with a few "hiccups" that were remedied fairly quickly, even though I will admit one resulted in a call to an 800 number haha...

I can be a control freak if not careful. That statement may shock some folks who know me, but trust me on this... I had lots of good help in this project (Chris and Andrew White, Missy, etc.), but there were times I wanted to "do exactly what I tell my adult volunteer leaders on mission trips to NOT do" by just doing all the work/re-doing someone elses work. But for the most part (only exception is when something had to be disassembled due to the wrong wood being used...honest mistake), I have not changed any of the work that was done by others, even if I would have done it "differently" (read, "better in my book"). I felt as if that would be disrespectful... But, I will tell you, my double-secret inner control freak wanted to come out at times...

As I've alluded to before on this blog, I am not nearly as patient as myself and others may think I am... From getting really ugly/disrespectful with Jax the first night of the build (wow I was a jerk) because he wouldn't just let me work, to almost losing my cool in ugly ways a few times, to not realizing my "tone" was condescending to Missy a couple times (even if in my mind i was really not trying to be condescending at all), to throwing a stake across the yard (that's right, a stake...way to go safety boy...) when a comment about the fort's location was made (it was just REALLY bad wasn't even a horrible comment...), you get the picture...

I'm more patient (and really relied on God for this patience) than the above paragraph indicates. I shouldn't be "proud" of this (because it would be, well, prideful), but I can say that I truly felt inner calm at times when all criteria should have meant, "freak out, Ben!" Sometimes I needed hindsight to see it though. Some friends came over Friday for dinner, for instance, seeing the results of "day two", or as I called it to Jax, "your Death Star that is not yet fully operational" (I know, I have ruined my kid already with my love for Star Wars), but still partially usable (slide, rockwall/ladder, and platform were built). The wife, Ginger, asked me, "So, how many cuss words were said so far?" I thought, and was able to honestly say, "Well, I bet I came close a few times, but you know, I don't think I ever did..." NOT saying that to say "yay me!", but instead, YAY GOD for molding my heart so I would be compelled and able to keep my cool...

There are few things better than hearing your wife say, "Wow, I am really impressed." My wife Missy is just so great, and loves me for the wierdo I often am. But, one area I wish I was "more" of is in the area of building/fixing things... And it brought a smile to my face to hear her say she was really proud of the job I did.

There are fewer things better than knowing your son can hardly contain his excitement for the creation going up in your back yard. Jax simply couldn't wait for the fort to be built. Sometimes it was a struggle (like when he just wouldn't get out of the way so I could finish some "element" because he was already playing haha), but let's just say I LOVE hearing his chatter outside as he imagines being in a castle...or flying a starship...or spying on the neighbors with his binoculars :-).

So there you have it. A satisfying, eye-opening, experience. Feel free to come play on our fort!

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