Thursday, August 28, 2008 comes college football...

Tonight is the first slate of college football games for 2008 (2 or 3 games on tv?) and I look forward to watching some of it at my parents' house. I am also fired up that i will be with my folks still on Saturday, as one thing I miss from my childhood is my dad and I keeping up with football scores all day long (although I think we have an outing planned...but I'm excited for that, mom, when you read this, don't say, "oh, Ben would rather us not go to the new park"...ok, hidden family message over). It usually started that morning as we read the newspaper, commenting on a few of the big games (and sometimes taking the time to do a mini-competition where we made predictions on EVERY game), then once games started on TV late-morning ,we basically spent the day jumping between games (commercial? no prob...just go to another channel...). And most of this occurred before the advent of like, oh, 8,000 sports TV options...

It should be a fun season! GO FROGS!!!

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