Thursday, January 18, 2007

A Rant (or, "Oooh...Controversy!")

Ok, time for one of those, "someone might get mad at me" posts.

So, a bit of background: I did graduate studies at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, Tx, from 1998-2001, getting degrees in counseling and Christian Education. It was a mostly positive experience, even though I am not a Baptist. It is a respected school, and there are many great folks there simply serving the Lord the best they can. That said...

...I was quite concerned by an article in last month's "Southwestern News" that can be read here: If you scroll down to paragraphs 8-10, you will see the part that most concerns me. The author, Malcolm Yarnell III, esentially discusses his concern that some Baptists are trying to "make nice" with other denominations (specifically mentioning the Presbyterians), that some are trying to be what he calls "baptistic" (basically, trying to hold to the "spirit" of being Baptist if not stamping the name on their chest), etc. He then goes on to say this statement: "There are two fundamental theological reasons for these distressing trends: first, there is the errant assumption that “Baptists” are simply one among many equally viable options in the broader Christian tradition. Second, there is little awareness that calling oneself “Baptist” is really just another way of saying “thoroughly biblical disciple of Jesus Christ.”

Recognizing the truthfulness of their Baptist heritage, and the inadequacies of alternative Christian traditions, Southwestern has reinvigorated its curriculum and instituted multiple efforts to remind others outside the seminary of Baptists’ faith and message. These efforts, discussed below and in subsequent articles, include a web site, conferences, library archives, overseas programs, academic requirements, and study centers."

I guess I just think that NONE of the Christian denominations are "right" (and those that claim so need to be careful...), even the Baptists. His statements, to me, reek a bit of arrogance. Unfortunately, it does not surprise me: Christian arrogance is something I have experienced first hand (it was a similar arrogance that led me to choose SWBTS over another well-known attendee of that seminary basically acted like I wasn't serious about ministry if I chose a different school than his...and this was a common theme from others there I met...). But, to quote Andy Stanley at the 2006 Catalyst Conference I attended, "Why aren't Christians known for their humility? ...there is no room for arrogance in spiritual, church leadership..." I agree, and this article seems to go there for me with it's arrogant proclomations. The Church has seen too many splits and splinters over 2,000 years to have one proclaim that they are "most like Jesus". We are ALL broken, sinful people...and Christians are the ones who must realize the grace offered to them is a profound mystery, along with much of the issues in faith. Can we explore? Ponder? Theorize? YES! But, it must be done with humilty...and with a willingness to allow that we might not have it all figured out.

Yarnell (and others at SWBTS, I'm sure, including an old high school/college friend that is referenced in the article...still love ya, Dues!) has many good points to bring, and I know that he simply desires to challenge others to a deeper, real discipleship. And for that, I applaud him. Just watch some of that arrogance, ok?

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