Monday, February 26, 2007

The Fine Line Between, "Speaking the Truth in Love", and, "Speaking the Truth in (other)"

So one of my weaknesses can be a lack of boldness, I admit. There have been times, in given situations needing some "truth" or "Truth" (notice the difference), where I sit on my hands. Sometimes this is because I simply have no idea what to say, sometimes it is because I think I know what to say (but am afraid to for whatever reason), and sometimes it is probably because I also have this nasty habit of, "checking my motives to a fault" (i.e., I know what to say/do, but I don't want to do it fo the wrong reasons, so I often do nothing at all...essentially, I "neuter myself"). It is something that I have been asking God to give me more of (boldness), and I do think that in small doses, he has given me the confidence to be so. But I am wired the way I am wired, so while I may have been a "level 3 in boldness" in the past, I may never get past "level 6" due to my personality makeup. Yet, boldness is something that has worth in the life of a follower of Jesus. He is indeed a loving, grace-giving one, yet he certainly had plenty of Truth-telling moments that were a bit on the blunt side. Still, it seems that even when the Truth had to be told, there was great love evident. He was clever in his methods of exposing hypocracy, like with the woman caught in adultery (;&version=31;), yet even with a command to, "...leave your life of sin", love and grace are evident all-over the place.

"And your point is, Ben?"

Well, I guess I struggle greatly with those "turn-or-burn"-types (NOT those who talk about sin, eternal punishment, etc, which I do believe need to be talked about...I am talking of those who bluntly use fear to 'get folks into Heaven'), and folks who seem to just be interested in spouting off harsh words just to get their point (personal agenda?) across. Simply put, while Jesus says that even folks that use unorthodox methods, or even seem to have "iffy" motives behind what they say, do, teach, live (;&version=31;), can still be used by God to get His story across (which gives myself hope when I am not of "sound heart", and also helps me to love and respect those from different Christian traditions that are different than what I am used to), I greatly struggle with the fact that some folks act like they would rather "puff their chest and authority", and proclaim Truth (or sometimes, maybe not...maybe just a personal agenda that is not of eternal value...but spun right, can sound like it). I just don't think that is at the heart of the Gospel message.

Paul, when writing to the church in Ephesus, talks about how we need to be more unified as believers (when, much like today, back then they must have been typical humans, better at dividing than uniting...), how we all have gifts that need to be valued, used, and respected by others, and how we need to move from being spiritual "infants" to full-grown disciples. And I am sure that some gifts do involve a bit more challenging Truth-telling (;&version=31;). But still...there has to be a more Christ-like way to proclaim, even if the message is a challenging one, than one that is harh in tone, finger-pointing, and, well, seems to be more interested in, "speaking the Truth in (other)", as opposed to Paul's challenge to speak Truth in love (;&version=31;).

I am not sure the best way to live up to this challenge, because I have seen in myself where the desire to simply "love" has resulted in little-or-no action or challenging words at all. I am seeking God's counsel, encouragement, and courage on that struggle, and it is changing. But still, there has to be a better way to "challenge in an encouraging way", to guide those around us to Truth, to Jesus, to salvation, than being ugly, condescending, and (other). Let's NEVER stop seeking how to best speak, live, show LOVE!

For what it's worth, friends...

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